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LG and samsung

Publicerad 2014-10-22 23:08:16 i Träning och mat,

Bat if you bay a LG ore a Samsung. Phone ore somting alls you have the world gearenty from the company if you bay the produkt.

So you don't need the Sweden gearenty market one the produkt. The trying to foll you bay selling on gearenty you have all reddy.

Bat the gearenty work if you are not the problem to the axident. The Swedes gearenty works as the same.

The Swedes gearenty only works if you pay them many. Bath the coompaniys gearentys is included produkt.


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Jag har tränat från 14 år. Jobbat som kock över 10 år. Certiferad styrketräningsinstroktör Certiferad Personlig tränare Diplomerad Kostrådgivare



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